セール コスプレ衣装


We recognize that business success involves building long term relationship with our partners. Therefore, we have designed our affiliate program. Affiliate Program is an incentive program that offers an opportunity to qualified affiliate channels (website, email, pay-per-click) to get paid for generating buyers in from their websites. Our affiliate partners have the opportunity to receive a commission generated from successful transactions completed by each user they refer to There is no up-front investment and you are not required to purchase any products or inventory to participate.

Affiliates - Overview

Affiliates Program drives internet traffic to watches through specially formatted links that allow us to track transactions and other activity. Associates earn up to 8% in referral fees on all qualifying revenue made through their links.


1. High Commission: sale plus 8% commission Rate. Please note that the sale does not include shipping fee, except that the merchandize is described as “Free Shipping”
2. 8% sale commission applies to all transactions within 60 days cookie duration
3. all transactions must be in status “shipped” and no any further complains such as replace nor refund requests in 15 days.
4. We cast up the accounts on 15th each calendar month, it includes the complete orders from 1st to 31st previous calendar month.
5. If there are any replacement issue happened to one order which made during previous calendar month, then it will be a deduction appearing in the upcoming calendar month checkout amount.

Participation is Easy and Free

Complete the online application form. Please allow five working days for us to qualify and process your application.
お客様のご都合による返品・返金はお受けできません。不良品は良品に交換させて頂きます。 商品到着後3日以内にお知らせください。 決済確認後通常2〜5日。(在庫状況により異なります) ※未使用品限り。セットの場合、問題あった部分を交換/返金させていただきます。


KOSEYA.COM コスプレ衣装・通販

コスプレ衣装、コスプレ通販/販売ショップKOSEYAなら、人気のゲームやアニメのコスチュームや靴、ウィッグなど、良い商品を卸販売だから実現できる格安のお値段でコスプレイヤーの皆さんを応援します!コスプレ衣装、コスプレウィッグ販売(通販)しておりますので、是非ご利用ください。【コスプレ通販/販売ショップ、コスチューム通販 KOSEYA.COM】

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